June.25 ~ June.28, 2013 KINTEX, KOREA
Chip LED / LED Lamp / LD, Back Lights / Traffic Signals / LED Signal / Score Board / Displays / LED Application Category / Automotive / Architectural / Room Lighting / Accessories / LED Process Technology / Green Lighting
Organized by
LEDEXPO.com(EXPOnU), KAPID(Korea Association for Photonics Industry Development), KLEDA(Korea LED Association), KLFLC(Korea Lighting Fixtures LED Industry Cooperative), KOTRA(Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency), KINTEX
Supported by
Ministry of Knowledge Economy, Gyeonggi-Do, Goyang City, KOPTI(Korea Photonics Technology Institute), Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute, Korea Institute of Lighting Technology (KILT), JLEDs(Japan LED Association), PIDA(Photonics Industry & Technology Development Association), CALI(China Association of Lighting Industry), Korea Society of Optoelectronics (KSOE)
Int'l LED and Green Lighting Seminar 2013, Business Meeting
Media Partner
Global News "AVING", LED NEWS KOREA, LEDs Magazine, MadeinAsia, Made-in-China, Techworld
![LED EXPO 2013](img/06.jpg)